Friday 25 September 2009

Thursday 24 September 2009

Alcove (n.) Archaic term for a rum-smuggler’s bay

I had to attend a Plain English course today, which was OK as far as it goes. I am sure. however, that most of our staff could do with a preliminary term of adult literacy before dealing with plain English.
The trainer was very good, but had a cold and was coughing over her students. It did not inspire confidence. The refreshments were basic to the point of being Spartan and the blinds were broken which meant that the morning sun was shining directly into our eyes.
‘I’ll get the Facilities people to sort it out,’ said the trainer, between coughs.
A man came in some fifteen minutes later and announced ‘The blinds are broken!’ without even looking at them, and then departed as suddenly as he had appeared.
It isn't like this in 'Spooks'.

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