Monday 19 May 2008

Saturday 17 May 2008

in ‘days of our lives’
lucas lies in a coma.
others sing and dance.

‘Doctor Who’ has been a little more enjoyable this series, due mainly I think, to a much-needed injection of humour on the part of Katherine Tate.
This week, in ‘The Unicorn and The Wasp’, the Doctor arrived at a country house in 1926 where he met Agatha Christie and was subsequently embroiled in a series of bizarre murders and a visitation by a giant wasp.
The script was written by one Gareth Roberts, a veteran author of Doctor Who novels, whom, as I remember being told, I upset some time ago when I was quite candid about my habit of taking Doctor Who novels off the Science Fiction shelves in bookshops and putting them in the children’s section where they belong.
It was nothing personal, I have to say. I don’t see why all this spinoffery (as Interzone used to term it, and in which I include Star Wars, Star Trek and Buffy the Quality TV Slayer novelisations) can’t have a shelf of its own, preferably somewhere a long way from the decent stuff.

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